Environmental Policy
Stone Warehouse is committed to continuously improving its environmental performance. Our business is focused on acting responsibly and we take an active leadership role in support of carbon footprint reduction. (The total amount in tonnes of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide and methane generated by our activities).
Our commitment means that we.
- Recognise and understand the processes by which we can reduce, offset, mitigate or eliminate our carbon use where possible and practical.
- Ensure that raw materials are preferentially sourced from quarries and suppliers conforming to acceptable environmental standards with particular regard to: -
- All extraction processes are achieved in conformance with the limits and controls stipulated under relevant national and local planning legislation.
- Production is achieved using the most technically efficient or appropriate processing and transportation procedures.
- Training programmes are in place to ensure that all personnel are aware of their responsibilities to the environment and understand and accept their individual and collective duty.
- Use raw material efficiently minimising the waste of resources. Consider the environmental impacts of any new products and developments of current products.
- Promote and improve energy efficiency throughout our operations including the use of public transport where possible, car sharing, journey planning, as well as looking at energy use within our offices and production facilities.
- Minimise waste, promote the reduction of wastage, encourage re-use and recycle resources wherever practical.
- Continue to research suitable recycled materials and formulations. We currently offer a range of recycled aggregates and glass.
- Our packaging and pallets are made from recycled materials when possible.
- Measure and record our consumption of carbon emissions through internal audits and reviews
This policy will be reviewed annually as part of a management review process.
Last Reviewed January 2023